
For load


5×5 Weighted strict pull-ups


*Perform a new set every 2:00


Today’s weighted strict pull-ups should be unbroken and challenging across all sets, utilising bands as necessary to keep them so.


5 Rounds for time 16 min cap:

50ft Dual KB front-rack walking lunge 2×24/16kg

12 Chin-over-bar pull-ups

60 Double-unders


Rx+: 2×32/24kg, chest-to-bar pull-ups

Active: 2×16/12kg, 30 Double-unders per round

Lifestyle: Unweighted lunge, 12 Ring rows, 30 Single-unders per round


The workout should see loads that allow 25ft unbroken sections of lunges, pull-up options that can be performed in 1-3 sets per round and double-unders that can be performed in 1-2 sets across rounds. The time cap will sneak up quick on this one today and as such pull-up and skipping options should be conservative unless athletes are very confident