6 Sets for load: 3×4 front squats 3×2 front squats *Perform a new set every 2:00
Today’s strength front should see athletes progressing load from around 50% 1RM+ across all sets towards a 2RM for the day if feeling good |
9 Min AMRAP: 11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 4 Squat cleans 84/55kg
Rx+: 93/61kg Active: Chin-over bar pull-ups, 61/43kg Lifestyle: Jumping C2B pull-ups, 43/30kg
The workout should see C2B pull-up options that can be completed 1-3 sets (e.g. 4-4-3) and weights that represent moderate-heavy bars requiring singles with around 5-10 seconds regeneration between reps due to their weight. |