
6 Sets for load:

1 Squat clean

+ 1 Front squat

+ 1 Split jerk

*Perform a new set every 2:00

Olympic lifting should see inexperienced lifters keeping weight light and learning the gross teaching points of this potentially-confusing complex, whilst advanced lifters may start around 50% of their limiting movement and progress to a heavy but sub-maximal complex.



2 Rounds for time, 12 Min Cap:

15 Lateral burpees over the bar

15 Shoulder-to-overheads 43/30kg

15 Front squats

15 Handstand push-ups


Rx+: 52/35kg, strict handstand push-ups

Active: 35/25kg, Box pike HSPU

Lifestyle: 25/20kg, 12 Reps of all movements, Pike push-ups

The workout’s options should see athletes able to consistently burpee, even under fatigue, through 15 reps without stopping, perform shoulder-to-overheads and front squats in 1-2 sets with what should represent a light-moderate load, and handstand push-ups in 1-3 sets when fresh.