
For Load


Push press

*Perform a new set every 1:30

Today’s push press double working sets should begin around 40% 1RM and increase across sets according to feel.



For Time-10 Min Cap


30-24-18 Wall balls 30/20lbs to 10/9ft

15-12-9 Handstand push-ups


Rx+: Deficit HSPU 6/4”

Active: 9/6kg, 12-9-6 HSPU

Lifestyle: 6/4kg, 12-9-6 Box pike HSPU


The workout should see a challenging wall ball option that exceeds the normal option used, but still allows repeatable sets of 5-10. Handstand push-up options should allow repeatable sets of 5 in the 15’s, 4’s in the 12’s and 3’s in the 9’s.