6 sets for load:
1 Power snatch + 1 Hang squat snatch + 1 Overhead squat
*Perform a new set every 1:30 Today’s lifting should see beginner and intermediate lifters perfecting the mechanics of the three movements with lighter loads, whilst experienced lifters may increase across sets to a heavy but sub-maximal complex for the day.
10 Rounds for time 17 min cap: 15/12 Calorie Row 1 Snatch 84/55kg
Rx+: 93/61kg Active: 12/9 Calorie row, 43/30kg Lifestyle: 10/7 Calorie row, 30/20kg
The first ever CFK Benchmark workout (to be tested again) is “Big Pull” and should see calories in :45 or less across rounds and a moderate-weight snatch that approximates 70% 1RM and can be performed with confidence even with a high heart-rate. |