
6 Sets for load:

*Perform a new set every 2:15


1 Power snatch

+ 1 Hang squat snatch

+ 1 Snatch balance

+ 1 Overhead squat


For newer athletes today’s lifting should weight should be kept light and mastery of movement should be the only priority. Advanced athletes may progress from light loads to a heavy complex, all parts must be mechanically sound to progress load.



Benchmark “Ellen”

3 Rounds for time 16 min cap:

20 Burpees

21 Alt. DB snatches 22.5/15kg

12 Dual DB thrusters 2×22.5/15kg


Active: 15/10kg

Lifestyle: 3 Rounds: 10 Burpees, 12 Alt. DB snatches, 9 Thrusters, 10/7.5kg


“Ellen” is designed to be fast and where possible, unbroken. Athletes should use weights that allow unbroken snatches and thrusters, whereby the only reason an athlete would need to break is due to respiratory fatigue.