
For load:

*Perform a new set every 2:30

5×5 Back squats

*Start at ~60% 1RM and increase to a 5RM front squat


Today’s back squats should see a thorough warm-up, priming athletes to work towards a heavy 5 and possible 5RM for the day. All sets should have the focus of being deliberate on the descent and powerful on the ascent every repetition.



5 x 3-minute Rounds for Reps:

*Rest 1:30 between rounds

21 Wall balls 9/6kg to 10/9ft

21 Toes-to-bar

Max box clear-overs 24/20” in remaining time


Rx+: 12/9kg

Active: 14/10lbs, 15 Toes-to-bars, 20/20”

Lifestyle: 15 Wall balls 10/8lbs, 15 Hanging knee raises, step-overs 20/20”


The workout should see wall balls and toes-to-bar inside a minute per movement across multiple, if not all five rounds. Clear-overs should be conservative considering respiratory and leg- fatigue.