Mobility & Movement Warm-up


·        Shoulders & Core

·        Hips & Ankles

·        Glutes – hinging



·  Core and Shoulder strength development

·  Warm-up movements




“Happy Birthday Chris”


For Time with a Partner

27-minute CAP


·   64 Deadlift (RX 40-64-70/30-42½-55 Kg)

·   64 Wallballs (RX 9/6 Kg)

·   64 Power Cleans

·   64 Double-unders EACH

·   64 Sit-ups or GHD’s

·   64 Calories

·   64 Burpees (must do)


One person working at a time.


Focus of WOD:

·   Celebrating Chris’ 64th birthday

·   Weights/Met-con to challenge you & your partner

·   Building set volume