Strength Development

Back Squats


4 Sets of 5 at 70% 1RM

@ 3 minutes/set



·   Building endurance

·   Engaged braced core, good chest position.

·   Drive out of bottom of squat


Kate’s Birthday WOD

20-minute CAP


·   30 Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)

·   30 meters Handstand Walking or Bear Crawl

·   30 single DB OH lunge steps (RX 22½/15 Kg)

·   30 Toes-to-Bar or Knee Raises

·   30 Burpees over-the-bar

·   30 Squat Snatches (RX 50/35 Kg)

·   30 HSPU’s/Piked Push-ups


Partition as required.


Focus of WOD:

·   Gym/Weightlifting

·   Building on cycle speed in short time frame

·   Efficiency with movements