Strength Development

Back Squats


5 Sets of 8 at 65% 1RM Back Squat

2 minutes/set



·   Building endurance

·   Engaged braced core, good chest position.

·  Drive out of bottom of squat




For time:

14-minute CAP


2 Rounds


·       12 Power Cleans (RX 40/30 Kg)

·       12 Wallballs


2 Rounds

·       10 Squat Cleans (RX 50/35 Kg)

·       12 Wallballs


2 Rounds


·       8 Thrusters (RX 60/40 Kg)

·       12 Wallballs


Focus of WOD:

·  Technique under fatigue

·  Squat strength & depth