Wrist wraps/tape

Knee Sleeves

Skipping rope



Lifting Development


10 Minute EMOM


·  1st min: Banded ankle stretches/lateral kicks

·  2nd min: World’s Greatest Stretch


Focusing on:

·  Consistent sets

·  Braced core

·  Increasing range of motion




5 Rounds for Time:

8 minutes


·     10 Sit-ups

·     6 Squat Cleans (RX 60/40 Kg)

·     20 Double-unders


Rest 2 minutes


5 Rounds for Time:

8 minutes


·     10 Sit-ups

·     6 Squat Cleans (RX 60/40 Kg)

·     20 Double-unders


Focusing on:

·   Strong pulls

·   Braced core and good rack position for the squats

·   Strong leg drive with the squats

·   Pacing each round