200m row/run/ride/erg,

calf pumps, Shoulder & Glute activations (band), Air squats w. twist, Cossack squats w ATW’s, wall squats,

pull up warm up

Burgener warm up, with:

·  Empty bar snatch drops.

·  OH squats


Movement Development


6 Minute EMOM


·  1st min: Side Plank with T-Rotations

·  2nd min: 10 OH Squats with Dowel or empty bar


Focusing on:

·  Consistent pacing

·  Fast recovery




Every 5 Minutes X 6 Sets


·   200-meter Run/Row/Ski

·   4 TnG Squat Snatches

·   6 TnG Power Snatches

·   12 Pull-ups

·   15 Wallballs


Wanting to build:

·   Good sets of the TnG Snatches

·   Fast consistent sets on each movement

·   Short recovery time between sets