Jogging on spot, high knees and butt kicks.

Scorpions, Birds dogs and

Calf pumps & boot strappers


Shoulder activations (bands)


Glute activations (floor):

20 backward circles each leg


Burgener Warm-up


Movement Warm-up


·  Box Jump-overs

·  Wall-balls

·  Power Snatches



·  Good technique & progressions

·  Engaged core




Every 7 Minutes X 4 Sets


·   400-meter Run/Row/Ski

·   15 Box Jump-overs (RX 24”/20”)

·   15 Wallballs

·   15 Power Snatches


Wanting to build:

·   Good sets of the Snatches

·   Fast consistent sets on each movement

·   Short recovery time between sets