Dynamic, calf pumps,


scap pull ups, lat pull backs, hollows, and arches,


active handstand hold

Burgener warm up


Movement Development


6 Minute EMOM


·  1st min: Side Plank & T-rotations

·  2nd min: 5 dowel OH Squats & 1 Handstand hold


Focusing on:


·    HS Active shoulders = pushing the ground away

·    Braced core & glutes

·    Engaged lats and strong-arm drive




6 Rounds for Time:


25 Minute CAP


·   5 TnG Power Snatches

·   4 Burpees over-the-bar

·   5 Power Snatches

·   4 Handstand Push-ups

·   50 Double-unders

·   Rest 1 minute



Wanting to build:

·   Fast consistent sets on each movement

·   Short recovery time