Jogging on spot, high knees and butt kicks.

Scorpions, Birds dogs and

Calf pumps

Shoulder activations (bands on rig)




Strength Development


Barbell Bench Press


5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

5 sets @ 3 minutes/set




·  Braced core

·  Strong shoulder drive


Partner WOD


18 Minute AMRAP


Devil of a time


Partner A:

·   200-meter Pumpkin Carry


Partner B:

·   Devil’s Press 2xDB


At transition 5 Synchro Burpees


Wanting to build:

·   Fast consistent Devil’s Press sets

·   Good pumpkin carrying technique

·   Don’t drop the Pumpkin!! – we will be donating to The Base Kitchen