Jogging on spot, high knees and butt kicks.

Scorpions, Birds dogs and

Calf pumps

Shoulder activations (bands on rig)

Burgener warm up



Strength Development


Push Press


5 – 5 – 5 – 5

4 sets @ 2 minutes/set




·  Straight dip and strong leg drive




3 Rounds for Time:


22 Minute CAP


·   6-10 Push-ups OR HSPU’s

·   10 TnG Power Cleans

·   30 Double-unders

·   5 TnG Clean & Jerks

·   300/250-meter Row/Run/Ski Erg

·   Rest 1 minute


Can do as an AMRAP if desired


Wanting to build:

·   Fast consistent sets on each movement

·   Short recovery time