Dynamic, calf pumps,

Shoulder activations (band)

arm windmills, planking,

hollow and arch (floor)

scap pull ups, lat pull backs, hollows, and arches,

hanging L-sit or knee tuck hold.

HS hold, pulses, lowers


Movement Warm-up


·     Wall-walks

·     Box Jumps

·     Pull-ups/Bar Muscle-ups

·     Kettlebell Swings


Aim for:

·    Building rhythm in the movements


Team WOD


30 Minute AMRAP


5 Stations

Transition when runner returns


·   Wall-walks

·   Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)

·   Pull-ups OR Bar MU’s

·   Kettlebell Swings

·   200-meter Run



Wanting to build:

·   Fast consistent sets on each movement

·   Short recovery time