2 minutes bike/row/erg

calf pumps, boot strappers

air squats with twists, bird dogs, lunge steps (fwd)


Burgener warm up

Complex warm up


Barbell Cycling

8 Minute EMOM


8 Touch & Go Power Snatches


Think about:

·    Set-up correctly (what muscles can you feel engaging in the set up position)

·    your posterior chain engagement through the lift

·    Finish each pull – don’t rush your ‘elbows high and outside’

·    Making sure your last lift is as good as your first




13 Minute AMRAP


·  3 Complexes (RX 40/25 Kg)

·  1 Power Snatch

·  1 OH Squat

·  1 OH forward lunge each leg

·  10/8 Calories


Aim for:

·   Unbroken sets

·   Fast transitions between movements


Push for:

·   Consistent set times