
Scorpions & bird dogs, calf pumps, Shoulder activations (dowel), penguin jumps, air squats with thoracic twists,

Scap pull ups, Lat pull backs into straight leg raises & T2B, Burgener warm up (dowel)


Barbell Cycling

6 Minute EMOM


8 Touch & Go

Power Cleans


Looking for:

·       Set-up each time

·       Lower back mobility

·       Finish each pull

·       Recovery and reset





13 Minute AMRAP


·   5 Clean & Jerks (RX 60/40 Kg)

·   8 Toes-to-Bar OR Straight leg raises

·   30 Double-unders



Aim for:

·   Consistent set capacity

·   Strong active shoulders

·   Strong pulls and fast feet  for the C&J’s