Jogging on the spot with L&R ground touches,

Calf Pumps & boot strappers,

Bird-dogs, Fire hydrants,

Air and jumping squats

Shoulder activation (bands) mountain climber complex

push up complex

box steps




8 Min EMOM Drills


·     1st Min: Ring Rows

·     2nd Min: Hand Release Push-ups (Forte Practice)


Looking for:

·     Maintain active shoulders

·     Strong braced core

·     Tucking your elbows in close to your body





Work 50/transition 10 sec


4 Rounds


·    1 min: Sit-ups/GHDs

·    1 min: Calories

·    1 min: Alt. DB Snatches

·    1 min: Box Jumps

·    1 min: Overhead DB forward lunge steps (single DB)

·    1 min: Rest


Aim for:

·    Consistent sets each minute across all rounds

·    Have a strategy