Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines), Scorpions & bird dogs, Air squats with twists & rocks, calf pumps,

Shoulder and hip activations

Penguin jumps

Barbell – back racked backward lateral lunge steps and Bradford press



Strength Development

Push Press


5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

@ 2 minutes/set


Aiming for:

· Engaged lats/shoulders

· Strong lockouts

· Fast dip and drive




3 @ 5-minute AMRAP’s


·   100 Double-unders OR 20/15 Calories

·   20 Sit-ups/GHDs

·   Max ALT DB Snatches (RX 22½/15 Kg)


·   Rest 1 Minute


Aim for:

·   Consistent pace for each round

·   Strong active shoulders

·   Building set volume