Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, grapevines)

Scorpions & bird dogs

Calf pumps, boot strappers

Air squats with twists & rocks

Shoulder activations (band)

Windmills and wrist rolls



Heart starter/Warm-up


4 Minute AMRAP


·     5 Scap. Pulls/Hollows & arches

·     3 Inchworms

·     4 lunge Steps

·     5 Air squats


We are:

· Building mobility for WOD




For Time:


“The Middle”


30 Minute CAP

Break up as desired


·   100 Pull-ups

·   200 Push-ups

·   300 Air Squats


Aim for:

·   Small consistent sets on all movements

·   Rounds that you can maintain

Want to push yourself:

·   Practice with a vest