Dynamic (lunges and spidermans), Calf pumps,

Shoulder activations (dowel)

Floor – hollow rocks and superman arches, into

Rig – Scap pull ups, Hollow and arches into lat pull backs


Burgener & OH warmup



Strength Development


Snatch/Overhead Complex


8 Rounds @ 90 Seconds

1 complex/round

·    Squat Snatch

·    Overhead Squat



·   Strong drive with legs/hips

·   Strong arm lockout

·   Slow to knees, pull under




12 Minute AMRAP


·   2 Power Snatches (RX 42½/30 Kg)

·   2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

·   4 Power Snatches

·   4 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

·   6..

·   Add 2 Reps each round

You should be:

·   Aiming to build cycle speed in snatches and pull ups.

·   Don’t jerk the bar off the floor, slow to knees then powerful through the middle (down) position

·   Keep your arms long

·   Open your hips

·   Pull yourself down and under the bar