200 metre run

Calf pumps, Boot strappers Scorpions, bird-dogs Shoulder & hip activations with a band

Mountain climber compl.

Air squats with T-twists

Penguin jumps

Individual movement warm up.


Hero WOD




Delray Beach Police Officer & SWAT Team member

Christine Braswell


Died 08/04/2017


40 Minute AMRAP


·      9 Clean & Jerks (RX 61/42½ Kg)

·      1 Rope Climb

·      8 Burpees

·      12 Push-ups

·      40 Second Plank

·      250-meter Sandbag Carry

·      20 Double-unders

·      17 Wallballs (RX 9/6 kg)


Aim for:

·      Small consistent sets with all movements, don’t go out hard and struggle