Jogging w. L&R floor touches,

Calf Pumps, Bird-dogs, Fire hydrants, Scorpions,

Mountain climber complex,

Air squats w. thoracic twists,

Superman & hollow holds,

Scap pull ups,

hollow and arches (sml & Lg), Lat pull backs

Arm windmills



Gymnastics Focus

The Kip


10 Minutes


·  Shoulder Activation

·  Standing Hollow Pull-downs


Kip Skills


·    Kipping ½ toes-to-bar

·    Hip extension

·    Elbow pulls

·    Back down


8 Minute EMOM


·    Kipping movement development




8 Minute AMRAP


·    Movement

·    8/5 Calories


Challenge: Complete WOD as:

·    Max set movement

·    8/5 Calories