Dynamic (up and back incl. lunges and spidermans)

Calf pumps, Bird-dogs, air squats, mountain climbers,

Cossack & boot strappers

Jumping air squats,

Burgener warm up (barbell)




Movement warm-up/



·    Shoulder mobility

·    Squat/hip mobility


Movement warm-up:

·   Handstand Push-ups

·   Box Jumps

·   Barbell movements


Partner WOD


30 Minute AMRAP


·   1 Mile Run Together


Then: You Go/I Go Rounds


·   Partner A: Rest


·   Partner B:

Complete 1 Round of:


·   5 Handstand Push-ups

·   4 Box Jumps (24”/20”)

·   3 Deadlift (RX 40/30 Kg)

·   2 Hang Power Cleans

·   1 Jerk/Press



·   Fast Consistent Sets

·   Short recovery time

·   Keep it light & tight