200m row/run/ride/erg

Calf pumps, bird dogs, boot strappers, Air squats,

Air squats with T/twists

Jumping squats, Sampson lunges, Cossack lunges,

Mountain climber complex with ankle & knee rotation.

Shoulder activations – dowel

Burgener warm up with dowel and empty barbell



Skill Development


10 Minute EMOM

OH Squats/Ring Rows


·  1st Min: light OH Squats off racks

·  2nd Min: Ring Rows




10 Rounds @ 90 Seconds


1 Complex


·    1 Squat Snatch

·    1 Hang Squat Snatch

·    2 Overhead Squats



·   Strong lockout

·   Braced core and depth in Squats

·   Fast under the bar