Dynamic (up and back incl. lunges and spidermans)

Shoulder activations (band)

Calf pumps, Bird-dogs, air squats, Cossack & boot strappers, Jumping air squats,

Push up & m/climber complexes

Arm circles on wall

Ring holds, lowers, dips


Strength Development


10 Minute EMOM


·  1st Min: Jumping Ring Holds

·  2nd Min: Barbell Rollouts



·   Engaged core

·   Active shoulders




8 Rounds For Time:


18 Minute CAP


·   5 Ring Dips

·   10 Box Jumps (RX 24”/20”)

·   15 Kettlebell Swings (RX 24/16 Kg)


Challenge – 1 Ring MU and 4 Ring Dips




·   Form with all movements

·   Fast Consistent Sets

·   Short recovery time