2 minutes bike/row/erg

Banded shoulder activations

Calf pumps and boot strappers

Scorpion twists

Air squats w. T-twists

Mountain climber complex.

Back racked barbell – backward lunge symmetry

Burgener warm up (empty bar) – cleans, push press, thrusters



Strength Development:

Weighted GM/Push Press


10 Minute EMOM


·  1st Min: Weighted Good Mornings

·  2nd Min: Push Press (light)



·     Full range of shoulder motion

· Flexibility in the hips






For Time:


·    1000 Meter Row

·    50 Thrusters (RX 20/15 Kg)

·    30 Pull-ups


Stretch and mobility OR go for a run



·   Consistent Sets and pacing