Jogging on spot w. L/R ground touches, Calf Pumps

Bird-dogs, W/walk holds

Air squats w. thoracic twists

Wall facing squats,

Wall lunges with arm circles, Cossack squats

Mountain climbers complex into squat jumps

Burgener warm-up (cleans)



Weightlifting Technique


Split Jerk


10 Minute EMOM


2 Split Jerks off the Rack


·    Shoulder drive

·    Fast feet and under bar

·    Strong lockout



10 minutes


Power Clean


·   Strong pulls

·   Front rack position



Putting it together


12 Minute EMOM


1 Clean & Split Jerk


·    Good shoulder positioning

·    Good hand positioning

·    Strong drive off shoulders

·    Fast feet

·    Strong lockout