Dynamic (high knees, butt kicks, lunges, grapevines)

Calf pumps,

Shoulder activations – band

Scap pull ups, hollow and arches, Lat pull backs, strict pull ups into kipping pull ups

V-up demonstration (shoulders and feet stay off ground)


Skill Development & Mobility


10 Minutes


·  Shoulder mobility

·  DB cleans & OH press and snatches

·  Overhead lunge technique

·  Bar Muscle-up progressions





For Time


26 Minute CAP

Break up as required


·   100/85 Calories

·   50 V-Ups OR 25 Bar Muscle-ups

·   50 Single Arm Overhead DB forward lunge steps



·   Consistent Sets

·   Challenge yourself

·   Pick DB weight that you can do unbroken


If you finish before the time cap spend some time working on your mobility