Dynamic: high knees / butt kicks / lunges & spiderman’s

Scap pull ups

Hollow & arches (small/big)

Lat pull backs

Calf pumps

Mountain climber complex

Scorpion twists

T – Push up

Ring holds, lowers, kips


Strength Development:

Ring Dips/barbell Rollouts


10 Minute EMOM


·  1st Min: Ring Dips

·  2nd Min: Barbell Rollouts



· A rep scheme you can maintain across all sets

· Engaged core & lats




“Nancy’s Country Cousin”


20 Minute AMRAP


·    200 Meter run

·    10-15 Pull-ups

·    10 Sandbag Shoulder-to-Shoulder


If you want to do max pull-ups each round go for it!




·    Engaged shoulders/lats

·    Consistent pace and volume each round

·    Building capacity in pull-ups under fatigue



Recovery Workout WOD


“Nancy’s Country Cousin”


20 Minute AMRAP


·    200 Meter run

·    8 Banded Pull-ups

·    10 Sandbag Cleans



·    Engaged shoulders/lats

·    Consistent pace and volume each round

·    Building capacity in pull-ups