30s high knees / butt kicks

Shoulder activation (bands)

5 x scorpions

10 x air squats with squat holds

Scap pull ups & lat pull backs

Calf pumps

Handstand holds, pulses and lowers


Strength Development:

Ring Rows/Shoot-throughs


10 minute EMOM


1st Min: Ring Rows

2nd Min: Shoot-Throughs



·   Engaged core

·   Active lats/shoulders


Partner WOD


22 Minute AMRAP


Partner A


·     200 Meter Sandbag Carry


Partner B


·     5 Handstand Push-ups

·     10 Ball Slams

·     30 Double-unders


Individually pick up where you left off previous round



·     Unbroken sets

·     Fast recovery

·     Challenge yourself