

Skill Development:

Strict Pull-Ups/Ring Dips


5 sets @ 2 minutes


1st min: strict Pull-ups


2nd min: Ring Dips


Pick a rep scheme and maintain it across all 5 sets




For Time:


20 minutes CAP


3 Rounds:

·   15 Pull-ups

·   15 Single Arm Overhead Kettle-bell Lunge steps (RX 24/16 kg)


3 Rounds:

·   9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

·   9 Kettle-bell Goblet Squats (RX 24/16 kg)


3 Rounds:

·   6 Handstand Push-Ups

·   6 Kettle-bell Weighted Sit-ups (RX 24/16 kg)


Pick a kettle-bell weight that will challenge you but not TOO challenging


Maintain good form throughout!