

Strength Development:

Snatch Balance/Overhead Squats

Work on speed under the bar and active shoulders


5 minutes warm-up, then 5 sets @ every 2 minutes


·    1 snatch-balance

·    2 overhead squat complex


Aussie Throwdown

WOD #1

Hook Grip don’t gas on the burpees


For time:

17 minutes on the clock


·    EMOM – 5 bar facing burpees

In the remaining time each minute chip away at:


DT (RX 70/47.5 kg)

Scale appropriately


5 rounds of:


·    12 deadlift

·    9 hang power cleans

·    6 shoulder-to-overhead


Record time on clock


In the remaining time left from 17 minutes


1RM complex of:

·    1 power clean

·    1 hang squat clean

·    1 front squat

·    1 jerk