Wednesday 24 October 2018
Coach directed skills warm-up:
200m run
½ rig lunge (slow)
½ rig broad jump
o/t’s, good mornings,
OH squat
Deadhang, jumping pull ups, calf stretch, up/down dog,
Warm up – clean progression
Work for 45 seconds on each exercise and rest 15 seconds. Once you have completed all 3 exercises, rest 1 minute then move to the next station. Once you have completed all four stations once then repeat.
Station 1. Row, Sumo Deadlift highpull, Pull Ups
Station 2. Ride, wallball, situps
Station 3. Double unders, db hang snatch, push ups
Station 4. Box jumps, ring dips, squat cleans
Rest 1 min between stations