WOD – Saturday 4 August 2018

7am & 4pm

Hero WOD ‘Spehar’

100 Thrusters 61/43
100 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9.6 Km Run

Rx standard says ‘Partitioned as desired’

20 Rounds of
5 Thrusters
5 C2B
500m run

*This WOD is designed for an endurance stimulus. Plan on 90 minutes to 2 hours.
*I understand that people have time restrictions on their day. Working hard for one hour then going home will still give you a great workout. Just let the coach know what you intend to do at the start of the session. The session will be capped at 2 Hours.
*We will assist you in designing scaling options to get you through.
*True Gritters use this as a test run of your shoes, skins, socks and endurance pacing.