WOD – Thursday 22 October 2015


1. Don’t go all “is she talking about me?”. You will know definitely if it is.

2. Coaching other members – and by coaching I mean telling them to do ANYTHING at all – is not acceptable AT ALL.

3. We have a culture at our gym where people have THE RIGHT to finish their workout under their own steam and develop their own mental fortitude. For example, if you are quicker than another member in a workout, you have NO RIGHT to help them finish their last few reps. If they did their first 100 wall ball without you they can do their last 10 without you too. You might think you are helping but you are robbing them of any degree of self satisfaction.

4. It’s actually arrogant to think that another member NEEDS your help. We are not like other boxes where people gather around and cheer on the last person. Last place is afforded the luxury also of being able to say “I did it too”.

5. In a competition environment, go for it, but NOT in training.

6. In fancy terms, you are putting your own emotional need to feel needed ahead of the other persons need to develop their own strategies and mental toughness.

7. I know the intent is “good” but it is misguided and short-sighted. It is not a strategy that supports long term mental development.

8. I get it that community is a big part of CrossFit – bear in mind though that this is on the premise that you are all equal.

9. Comments to other people:

“Nice form” implies that you have made a judgment on someone’s technique. If you ever use this term, make sure that your OWN FORM is better than perfect. And even if it is – DON’T COACH ANYWAY!

“Nice effort” means you have made a judgement on how hard YOU think someone else has worked. Again, it is still not up to you to make that call.

Rant over. For now.

Find 1RM Front Squat.

10 minutes Double Under or Triple Under Practice.