WOD – Monday 4 August 2014
In pairs:
For time:
3 x: Back Squat vs Run 400m
3 x: Front Squat vs Run 400m
* Start with 50% bodyweight for back squat.
* Take off 5kg for front squat.
* Yes you need to find someone who weighs similar to you.
For example: Fred and John both weigh approximately 80 kg.
They will use 40kg for their back squat.
They will use 35kg for their front squat.
To do the WOD:
3 rounds of:
Fred back squats 40kg while John runs 400m
John back squats 40kg while Fred runs 400m
3 rounds of:
Fred front squats 35kg while John runs 400m
John front squats 35kg while John runs 400m
* This means that Fred runs 6 times and John runs 6 times.
* You have 30 minutes to complete this workout.
* Use the racks.